Set Yer Sails SRCC!

Pirate Day

Everyone hide yer gold! We were invaded as pirates sought out treasures at Southampton Racquet Club & Camp! Arrrrrrrrrgh!

Throughout the summer, we love to shake things up here at camp.  One way to do that is to give our campers the opportunity to explore and experience different themed days.  Recently, we celebrated Pirate Day! And with that, also comes some amazing costumes – Whether you’re a lass or a lad, there was an outfit just right for ye!

Campers and staff embraced their inner Captain Hooks and enjoyed a day full of pirate-themed games and activities.  Pirate School was a big hit where everyone learned how to talk, walk and act like a pirate!  Some of the things we learned to say were:

  • Ahoy! = “Hello!”
  • Avast! = “Stop and give attention!” (Which today makes it more of a “Check it out” or “No way!” or “Get off!”)
  • Aye! = “Why yes, I agree most heartily with everything you just said or did.”
  • Aye aye! = “I’ll get right on that!”
  • Arrr! =  “yes,” “I agree”

SRCC campers were having a great time learning the ways of the pirates during Pirate Day until… rebel pirate counselors orchestrated a surprise sneak attack!!!  ACK!!!!!!  A battle then ensued! It was a spectacular day! 🙂 Check out all the fun we had in the pictures below!

Pirate Day  Pirate Day  Pirate Day  Pirate Day  Pirate Day  Pirate Day  Pirate Day  Pirate Day  Pirate Day  Pirate Day